Because every person is unique and the cause (s) of each individual's health issue(s) may be multifaceted, I've developed consultation packages that utilize different depths of my clinical investigation skills depending on your need. During our discovery call, we will discuss your needs and the various lab panels that would be beneficial to help me look “under the hood” (ie, your cellular biochemistry, gut microbiome, &/or your genomics) to uncover the nutrition-related health issue(s) so that I can use the evidence based remedies to correct the not-so-healthy terrain or system(s). Through an active process you will be coached to re-build the “terrain” in your body to support your digestive function, sequester oxidative stress, manage inflammation, enable biotransformation (or detoxification) and ultimately streamline your biochemistry for your health transformation.
In my 30+ years of working with thousands of clients, I have found many parameters that separate clients into different levels of care. For example, someone with IBD may just have a food intolerance and need nutrition repletion and wellness is achieved. Whereas someone else who also has IBD may have severe candida overgrowth, a disruption in the HPA axis from the candida metabolites causing a disruption in the choline metabolism thereby blocking CCK production and preventing proper gut motility thereby causing SIBO and IBS symptoms, all which need to be addressed in order to achieve wellness. For this reason, after completing the initial gut package. I have additional time packages that you can select from if more time is needed. I've also found a level of attentiveness that separate clients into different levels of need. Some people need more reinforcement, skill-building, and monitoring, even after completing the initial package (s), thus packages exist for this as well.